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Android SDK

SDK quick links

In addition to this reference guide, we provide source code, API reference documentation, and sample applications at the following links:

GitHub repositoryClient Side SDK for Android
Sample applicationsDemo code (Kotlin)
Published modulemaven


Step 1. Install SDK

implementation 'com.featureprobe:client-sdk-android:1.2.0@aar'
implementation ''

Step 2. Create a FeatureProbe instance


val url = FpUrlBuilder("").build();
val user = FpUser()
user.setAttr("name", "bob")
val config = FpConfig(url!!, "client-9d885a68ca2955dfb3a7c95435c0c4faad70b50d", 10u, true)
val fp = FeatureProbe(config, user)

Step 3. Use the feature toggle

val showFeature = fp.boolValue("toggle_key", false)
if (showFeature) {
# application code to show the feature
} else {
# the code to run if the feature is off

Step 4. Track Events


The Kotlin SDK supports event tracking from version 2.0.2.

The event tracking feature can record the actions taken by the user in the application as events.

Events are related to toggle's metrics. For more information about event analysis, please read Event Analysis.

// Providing a metric value to track
fp.track("YOUR_CUSTOM_EVENT_NAME", 5.5)

Step 5. Unit Testing (Optional)

val fp_for_test = FeatureProbe.newForTest("{ \"toggle_1\": true }")
val is_true = fp_for_test.boolValue("toggle_1", false)
assert(is_true == true)

Find the Demo code in example